Sunday, January 13, 2013

Venues- the search continues

I talked about my stalking a few posts back and then hinted at it again yesterday, but today the search for the perfect wedding venue continues...

Today we visited the William Penn Inn. I met my sister and my mom for brunch. It was incredible. Three rooms of delicious food buffets, each one as great as the last. After filling up on mimosas and coffee and trying a little bit of everything they had to offer, we were ready to meet with the wedding coordinator

 Colleen led us through the Banquet entrance. It didn't look so pink when we got there, but this is a great day-time view.

We went into the Carriage Room (the main Ballroom at the William Penn Inn). It was set up like this image below for a wedding ceremony.  It looked a lot less sparkly without all the beautiful Christmas decorations and I'm so glad I did some stalking a few weeks back because I don't know that I would have been sold on this space without all the festive decor, although the chandeliers are pretty spectacular!

 My inner-fat-kid did cartwheels when Colleen showed us this picture. And my inner-Christmas-addict did back flips when I saw this pretty red and gold dessert set up. 


Just like that, I was sold. I know Jay will love this place. It's a very classic and elegant restaurant with a traditional old-world feel. Right up his alley.  I can't wait to take him to brunch next weekend so that he can see it too! (and I can get more bananas foster Belgian waffles)!

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