Thursday, October 31, 2013

Please Don't Feed The Models and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

The pictures we've all been waiting for... HAPPY HALLOWEEN from my sweet as pie trick-or-treaters! 


 This little sweetie was the reason for these creations to begin with and she totally rocked her Blueberry Pie costume today at day care :) You can't even tell in this picture how much she did not like it, so props to the people who captured this pic pre-tears! Oh and check out all that Blue & White....

WE ARE!!!  
(sometime I just can't help myself)

I can't even tell you how much I love these girls! Apparently they're the only 12-year-olds in town who don't think it's appropriate to dress like a "sexy" insert animal here.

They also asked my dad to take them out trick-or-treating because he (at 6'7 and close to 300 lbs) "would keep all the kids in the neighborhood safe." I'm so proud of them for being smart and safe and confident enough to not care if that is what's "cool."

Let's be honest though, they make these pies look hot!

Meanwhile - back at the ranch... I rocked my skull scarf and Jay wore his black Spiderman t-shirt... that was about the extent of our festiveness and I didn't even get a picture (we suck). But we made a strong recovery with these...

No shame... giant candy came complete with his campaign stickers. Since we half-assed our Halloween decor (and I mean not a single pumpkin to be seen at this joint - fail!) Jay stocked up the cooler with ice and cans of hard cider and beer while I hand wrote our ghetto sign and held it up with washi tape and snagged the candle off our mantle so the parents could see the sign from the sidewalk. Apparently, our set up was still the best house in the neighborhood so we call it a success!

Happy Halloween!!!

disclaimer: next year's decorations will be better and presentation will be more festive (when we aren't renovating our house, getting married, and running for office)

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